Veggie Life as a Student | Why and How

As some of you may know from my social media, or otherwise, I am a vegetarian for about two years now. Thinking about making the change? Or just interested? Are you a proud meat-eater who slags off veggies all of the time, but you're still interested? Go on! I won't tell anyone. Keep reading!

Ten Year-Old Vegetarian Nicole?!

I have actually wanted to be a vegetarian for years and years, since I was about ten (ish), but back then, I didn't cook my own food. My mom told me I couldn't be a veggie, because I wouldn't get all of my nutrients in, and I would become anemic, etc., etc., you know the drill. Little old Nicole of course put up a fight, but when Mom says no, Mom says no. So I forgot about my ambitions to be meat-free, and ate what was put on my plate. I feel like at that age I didn't have a mind of my own, and didn't think to just not eat the meat on the plate?! Sounds ridiculous now, but hey, I was only a baba

Older & Wiser Baby

Later in life, I got a bit more sense, and got cooking more often for myself, and for my family. I actually really enjoyed cooking. I was good at mixing in spices and herbs, and knowing what was missing out of a dish, and knowing how to make it a bit tastier. I just really enjoyed playing with flavours. So my family trusted me with their meals!

The real game changer was probably when I spent more time with my brother Rob and his wife Renata, who doesn't eat processed foods, which means no meat a lot of the time, but she is not exclusively vegetarian. Myself and my fam spent some time with them over in Portland (Check it out here!) and I ended up eating more veggie dishes, and just seeing the meals that Renata ate almost every day. Also, being in the States opened my eyes to the wide ranging world of vegetarian foods and menus available over there.
More than one option in a restaurant!?!?!? UNHEARD OF IN IRELAND.

College Improved my Diet - Say What?!

After this two/three week trip I started college, I literally moved in the day after we got back. Jet lag? You betcha. So my first week of college I was half asleep.When I was doing the food shop for the following week, I didn't buy meat. I just forgot, and made the decision not to replace it during the week, and I didn't miss it! This is how it started really. As time went on, I just didn't buy it again, and I didn't miss it. It took me about a month to completely remove meat and fish from my diet, as my Mom would give me frozen dinners from the week to bring up, and most of them contained meat. I slowly started to politely refuse them, and here I am. I miss eating meat now?

The real, honest!
I have never even eaten a meat substitute, and only now am I slightly curious. I have nostalgic memories of loving a morning grill on a Sunday, and still smell it on the rare occasion it happens at home. Sometimes the smell repulses me, and sometimes I fondly remember. With that said, I still couldn't bring myself to eat meat. I honestly can't even imagine chewing it up now. Gross!

The smell of a grill has made me consider substitutes, but I'm afraid that the substitutes will be too close to the real thing, and just freak me the hell out! 

Thing is, it wouldn't have freaked me out if I had gone straight from meat to substitutes, but it has been so long now, that I cannot imagine it. I had not even eaten tofu until a couple of months ago (apart from one time in the past), and even that was too meaty in texture, and for that reason I just don't like it. I can't come around to liking it, believe me, I have tried! Maybe sometime in the future, but for now, it's all a bit meaty for me.

So Why Do You Do It Mannn?

 The reason why the texture of meat freaks me out so much is because
I don't see meat as food anymore.
Vegetarianism didn't start off as an ethical pursuit for me, but it has become something of the sort. I now see meat as flesh, and beef/pork/poultry etc., agriculture as murder. It feels so wrong. It almost seems like cannibalism to me, you wouldn't eat a human so why eat an animal, ya feel? I just don't understand how farmers care for animals, raise them from birth or otherwise, and then send them off to be slaughtered for their Sunday roast, or fry-up, or whatever.

The Slow Road to Plant-Based Living

The ethical side to it has actually started to get more and more important to me, and I have almost entirely cut out dairy. Now this was not a completely conscious process, and I am not putting pressure on myself to cut it out completely. I would actually love to lead a plant-based life in the future, but at the minute, it's baby steps. There are days where I want to turn my whole life on its head and chuck out anything that come from an animal in my possession, but then I realize that's just not logical at this point in my life.
It took me years to become a veggie, and I feel I am already on the road to veganism.

But Have You Watched...

I am sure if I watched the various documentaries online and on Netflix like Cowspiracy and What the Health, I am sure they would make me want to do turn my life around in a second. The only real reason why I haven't watched it is because I don't think I would be able to sit through it all, or even keep my eyes on the screen. I reckon I would get so sick, upset and angry at the world, I am not sure if I am ready for that kind of insurgence of emotion into my life. That may sound really pathetic to some people, but it's true. I really don't think I am in a good enough head-space for that kind of emotion. I will watch them eventually, maybe even soon. 

Was Yo Momma Right Tho?

If anyone is wondering whether or not I am maintaining my health or not, like my mother once believed I could not without meat, I am! I have recently gotten the whole hog of blood tests done and I am functioning fabulously (actually what the doc said)! My protein levels are great, so are my my folate levels, calcium, iron etc., etc. I am doing really well, which is so nice to see, considering I have been veggie for so long. I do get my doubts sometimes, whether or not I have been up-keeping all of my nutrients and taking care of myself properly. I am so happy to say that I am a super healthy gal! Between myself and the Happy Pear, my mom has come on-board the veggie train too!

Never say never veggie babes!

Have you ever considered making the change? Or, are you veggie already?

Thanks for reading
Lots of love


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