Hello 2016 | New Year, New Adventures

As the New Year looms, people's best intentions begin to shine through. Resolutions are made, goals are set and undeniably high expectations are created for what are often unrealistic ideals. For those of you who would rather not set yourself some rather unlikely objectives for the New Year, I've been thinking on some subtle lifestyle changes that just might nip it in the bud for you.

I personally feel like I need a refresh button in my life at times and that I need to shake things up. Being a Gemini, my interest flies from one thing to the next, wherever the wind takes me. But I find that the days coming up to the New Year are when I rethink my various fleeting pursuits and pin down what should stay, what should go, and what should never be mentioned again! Everyone needs to reboot their lives at times, but that doesn't always mean drastic changes need to be made. Here are some of the things I have been considering for the New Year.


No I'm not going to tell you about my new fitness regime that is going to give me rock hard abs and help me run 5K in 5 minutes. Although I think exercise is paramount, I'm not going to reiterate the benefits to you all as I'm sure your social media is swamped in that kind of malark already. 

I'm talking about the brain. That old ticker doesn't get challenged enough. Exercise keeps your body and muscles healthy, but don't forget your brain needs attention too. I rarely use mathematics anymore and my mental-math has gone to pot. Since I have started college I have been smothered in readings, including critical and classical readings. Which FYI can give me a headache just trying to understand them. But my brain doesn't get enough mathematical stimulation. So I have decided to try and introduce things like Sudoku puzzles or brain teasers in my daily life. 


'What are your hobbies?' This awful question that always crops up and yet I still never know how to answer it. In order to keep my sanity, I fill every waking moment with something. I'm involved in a lot of theatre and drama based activities, both in my hometown and in college. But because I work weekends and I do college work during the week, on top of trying to see my friends and get involved in societies, I have inevitably lost sight of some of my favorite things to do

Before spreading my wings and heading to University I did a PLC in Art, Craft & Design in my hometown. I also completed a PLC in Photography in the same year. I haven't been able to do much with either since I started University and I miss painting and photography hugely. Although my paints and canvases are not-so-portable, I plan on dusting off my camera and getting back out there again. I want to pursue what I love because it's those things that bring me happiness. 

Something I really lost sight of during my first semester was of course my blog. I spent a lot of my time doing make-up for shows or directing a play of my own for a festival in college and the time needed to keep up my blog was simply not there. I spent sleepless nights worried about college work and hours in the library at unhealthy times. Soon I was skipping my 9 o'clock lectures on a Tuesday morning and few in-between. Skipping some lectures isn't the end of the world, but I don't do anything half-assed, so my self worth and confidence was being knocked. Giving drama a back seat and putting my blog to the forefront is the most exciting decision I have made in a long time.


I love food as much as the next person. Looking back on my eating habits and the changes I have made I can say I will be happily continuing my - relatively new - vegetarianism. I began abstaining from eating meat as a sort of accident. I forgot to include meat on my shopping list in my second week of college. I didn't miss it and so I didn't buy it again the following week and I haven't looked back since! As a matter of fact, I feel so much better and I have even lost a stone since September. (The possibility of having gained half a stone this December is high - but I won't look at the scales if you don't!)

Food is all over social media lately from vegan-ism to deep fat frying everything (and of course, pizza). I personally think a varied diet is important both for my body but also so as I don't get bored and get yet another takeaway. I really enjoy cooking and it's a part of my day that is both essential and often enjoyable. I like to try new recipes with my girlfriend when I see her, some we might scrap, some we might eat a million times until it's coming out of our ears. Keeping things fun and new with food can make eating healthy so much easier.


As you may have been able to deduce from the above, I am a person who puts a lot of pressure on themselves. I have spoken about not giving myself stupidly high expectations, but I seem to do so anyway. I think it is important to recognize your own value and potential and to push that. But it is also hugely important to have a release and some downtime away from it all. These are things I simply do not give myself enough of. A huge goal for me is to find my de-stressers

As someone who is constantly on-the-go, I don't really know the meaning of 'free-time'. When I leave myself idle I do nothing but think about what I could be doing and how I could be using my time so much more wisely. But I have found planning blog posts great for unwinding, which is a huge plus! Hopefully taking on some old hobbies will decrease my stress levels and allow me to keep a clearer mind.


Gurrrrl. This is critical. Admittedly, I am very hard on myself and when I achieve what I set out to do, I often move onto my next endeavor without giving myself so much as a pat on the back. So many of my friends and family are always telling me to stop being so hard on myself (Thanks Jess Glynne, ly xo). But I always tell them 'If I knew how, I would'. This year I have decided to really try, because sometimes the stress is just not worth the task. I plan to give myself more recognition and maybe a little reward every now and then (a little 'Go Me!').

Not only do I think I should reward myself for achievements, but I think we should all treat ourselves simply because we are worth it. I think as humans we often belittle how much we deserve. Whether treating yourself is a bit of retail therapy, a few minutes to yourself with a hot cuppa jo, a new lipstick, a glass of wine, a new video-game, a day trip or anything in between, you deserve it every once in a while (or twice in a while). 


So this coming New Year think about what little changes you could make, old habits you can dump, and hobbies you can resurrect. Remember to check in with yourself. Are you doing too much? Are you burning yourself out? Take a breather. You're only human. Stay happy, healthy and confident in everything you do, because you're worth it. Do what you enjoy and take care of yourself. This is my advice to myself and to you. I hope the New Year brings you all you wish for.

                                                                                        Yours truly,


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